Getting Started: Console

Console is where users purchase Map Credits, access map data, create organizations, and track usage.

If you're a customer interested in accessing the world's freshest map data, Console is the place to go. This one-stop shop offers all the core features needed to access Hivemapper’s suite of map data products.

Create Account

Get started by logging into Console using a Google account. Alternatively, you can create/link a Phantom or Breeze account but Google is the preferred login method for Console.

Do not sign into the website with Google if you are contributing to the map with a dashcam or by completing AI Trainer tasks. Please connect a wallet instead. See here for details.

Buy Map Credits

Map Credits are needed to access Hivemapper’s map data products (Map Image API, Map Features API, Scout). Map Credits can only be purchased after logging in. Once logged in, purchase Map Credits through Console > Organization.

Each Map Credit costs $0.02, so $1 buys you 50 Map Credits - the equivalent to one kilometer worth of imagery from a single week, or 1 kilometer of each class of Map Features for a week. There is a minimum purchase of $10, equivalent to 500 Map Credits, per Map Credit purchase transaction.

Generate API Key

To use Hivemapper APIs, an API key must be generated and active. To generate an API key:

  1. Click Generate API Key

  2. Active API keys will will be listed under Active API Keys

For Developers

  • In your API call, add the base64 encoded username:APIKey


After generating an API key and purchasing Map Credits, you now have access to Map Images API, Map Features API, and Scout.

Last updated